Bird Proofing Commercial Office Buildings

By Alex A. Kecskes

If you own a corporate office building, you know that corporate leasing is down due to this bad economy.  Your main goal this year is to fill that building with leasing businesses. You can't afford to carry a half empty building. One thing you must do is make sure your office building always looks clean, and that things like A.C. systems and lighting systems are working properly. Bird proofing your building now can save you from all sorts of problems down the line.

Problem: You know from bitter experience that pest birds can create a number of problems for your building maintenance team. For one thing, bird droppings splattered all over your building's façade and glass windows can quickly ruin your building's image.  And image is key when clients come looking for office space.  Over time, bird droppings and nesting materials can ruin expensive A.C. units, blocking vents, freezing up fans, and clogging ducts. Bird droppings can also eat into the electrical wiring on rooftops and around signage, causing electrical shorts and possibly even a fire. Bird droppings can also block lighting and security cameras. And they can create dangerous slip-and-fall hazards on walkways and entrances that could pose a legal liability. All in all, pest birds are most unwelcome to your property. The sooner you implement an effective bird proofing strategy, the better.

Solution: One of the most effective ways to bird proof office buildings is through the use of Bird Spikes. Pest birds like to gather on rooftops and parapet walls. They like the advantage of a high perch where they observe the goings on. They also like to build their nests around your building's A.C. units and other rooftop structures. Bird spikes deny birds--especially large birds like crows, pigeons and gulls--a place to land.

Bird spikes are easily installed on most any roofline, parapet wall, roof structure or A.C. unit. They come in rigid U.V.-resistant unbreakable polycarbonate or high strength, durable stainless steel. Stainless steel spikes are available in 3-, 5- and 8-inch widths to accommodate various bird species. The less expensive plastic spikes come in 3-, 5- and 7-inch widths. Bird spikes have blunted tips so they won't harm birds and maintenance crews.

Properly installed, bird spikes are barely visible on your rood. They come in a non-reflective metal finish and a variety of colors, including white, tan, gray, black, brown, brick red and crystal clear.

Like all bird deterrents, it's best to install bird spikes before birds arrive for spring. Take this preventive bird-proofing step and you won't have to hire expensive cleaning and maintenance crews to keep your office building looking sharp and working at peak efficiency.

Bird Proofing for Commercial Roofers

by Alex A. Kecskes

As a professional roofer, you’ve learned to recognize the signs of bird damage: If you’re dealing with an asphalt shingle roof, it’s the tell-tale nearly circular shapes of granule loss from bird droppings. The damage is usually found under antennas, trees, or similar raised perches where birds can conveniently “drop their loads.” And one thing you know is that the deterioration of the asphalt coating on a shingle can usually be traced to the acid in bird droppings.

If you’re dealing with a wood roof, bird droppings will, over time, leave the shingles brittle, causing them to crack. Tile roofs, on the other hand, can also be damaged by birds, who often build their nests under tiles, causing them to become loose or dislodged. Tile roofs, often installed for their beauty, can get pretty ugly when covered with bird droppings.

The point being, that birds can cost property owners hundreds, even thousands of dollars in roof damage. Over time, bird nests, droppings and other debris can cause irreparable damage. Roofs damage by birds can leak and even collapse. It’s only logical, therefore, that as a professional roofer, you should consider adding bird proofing to your roofing services. Property owners who spend thousands and tens of thousands of dollars on a new roof will be eager to protect their investment with the professional roofing products you can install for a fraction of that cost.

Without effective bird proofing measures, roofs are vulnerable. Pigeons, starlings and sparrows will often build their nests under roofing shingles and tiles, causing water to rise and leak into the subroof and below. This can cause rotting and extensive damage. Bird nests built near AC units, solar panels or other rooftop electrical equipment can also become a fire hazard. When you add the fact that pest birds can also damage roof-mounted air conditioning equipment, attic ventilation turbines, skylights, solar panels, and solar water heaters, most properly owners will be most receptive to the idea of effective bird control. 

Here are just two examples of effective bird proofing devices currently on the market:

Bird Spikes. Used worldwide to bird proof roofs and structures for decades, Bird Spikes are among the most effective bird control devices ever devised. The spiked strips make it impossible for pest birds to land on or near them. Blunted and safe for birds, pets and work crews, the spikes come in durable stainless steel or stiff, unbreakable polycarbonate. For properties near the sea or other large body of water, there's the Mega Spike, which features intimidating 7-inch spikes to deter seagulls, cormorants, turkey vultures and raptors. To keep pest birds out of rain gutters, there's the Gutter Spike, which can be equipped with adjustable clamps at the base that attach easily to the lip of a gutter.

The marine-grade stainless steel bird spikes are extremely durable. You can also get crush-proof, non-reflective spikes with a metal finish that blend in nicely on most roofs. If your customers are concerned about how the spikes might look, the spikes now come in several colors--including crystal clear, brick red, light grey, brown, black and tan. Plastic spikes are ideal for use in areas where steel spikes might cause signal interference problems (roofs with cell-phone antennas, dish antennas and air traffic control towers). Bird spikes with a U.V.-protected polycarbonate base are recommended in harsh weather.

Bird Slopes. For the truly aesthetically conscious property owner, these angled PVC panels blend right into the building or commercial structure. The panels present a super smooth surface that has birds scrambling like Keystone Cops to get a solid footing. But they never do and slip off every time. Birds soon give up and move on. Bird slopes are ideal for bird-proofing eaves, ledges, and many other nooks and crannies. The angled panels are easy to install on almost any flat surface using nails, screws or glue. They also come in several colors to match a property's exterior décor.

Bird Proofing for Commercial Applications

by Alex A. Kecskes

It's an unfortunate reality that commercial building owners spend millions of dollars annually to pay for the damage caused by pest birds. For one thing, bird droppings on windows and facades can seriously detract from a structure's appearance. The acid produced by the fungi that live in bird droppings can corrode metal and erode stone. Unless building owners hire expensive cleaning crews, the damage over time gets worse and more expensive to clean or repair. Bird nests and droppings can also clog gutters and down pipes, causing rooftops to overflow with water and possibly cause entire sections of a rooftop to collapse. Pest bird nests and droppings can also clog air conditioning and heating units, severely damaging these expensive systems.

Unwelcome and Unhealthy Droppings

The bird droppings pest birds leave behind also create offensive odors and can carry any of 60 known diseases. Sparrows and feral pigeons can carry bacteria causing salmonellosis. Such pigeons can even carry ornithosis, which is similar to viral pneumonia. This makes pest birds particularly unwelcome in areas where food is stored, processed or served. When bird droppings litter a sign or cover an outdoor restaurant's tables and chairs, customers will simply avoid the establishment and take their business elsewhere.

Don't Be Served with a Slip-and-Fall Lawsuit

Bird droppings on walkways and entryways to commercial building can create serious slip-and-fall hazards. The only thing more slippery than wet bird poop is a banana peel. For commercial property owners, bird droppings allowed to accumulate on their premises can create a prohibitively expensive and time-consuming legal liability. 

Bird Proofing with Spikes and Spiders

Probably the most popular method of bird proofing a commercial establishment is through the use of bird spikes. Ideal for pigeons and other large birds, spikes discourage pest birds from landing. They come in strong, rigid unbreakable polycarbonate or flexible stainless steel. Typically available in two-foot long strips, bird spikes are blunted so they won't harm birds, pets or people. The best spikes are made of marine-grade stainless steel and feature a U.V.-protected polycarbonate base that you can angle to fit curved surfaces. You can also get spikes with a crush proof, non-reflective metal finish.

To bird proof gutters against large pest birds like seagulls, crows, and pigeons, you'll need the Gutter Spike. Look for spikes with adjustable clamps at the base that make them easy to install to the lip of your gutters. If you're being invaded by cormorants, turkey vultures, raptors and other large birds, opt for the Mega Spike, which has long 7” spikes.

Another popular device used to bird proof an area is the Bird Spider. These devices have long spindly spider-like arms that wave in the breeze to discourage pest birds from landing. They are ideal for use on outdoor restaurant tables before opening hours to keep pest birds from landing on tables. They can also be used on awnings and patio covers. Spiders typically come in a variety of diameters to deter a wide range of bird pests.
They may look threatening, but they are harmless to birds and people.

Nets, Slopes and Gels

Ideal for a broad range of commercial uses, including signs, warehouses, courtyards, canopies, airplane hangars and rooftops, Bird Netting has proven to be an effective bird proofing solution. Often prescribed by architects, bird netting comes in a variety of mesh sizes to deter sparrow, starlings, pigeons, seagulls and larger birds.

Another popular bird proofing device is the Bird Slope. Pest birds simply slide off these angled, slippery PVC panels whenever they attempt a landing. Ideal for eaves, ledges, beams and other 90-degree areas frequented by birds, these slopes are easily screwed, glued or nailed to most any flat surface. They even come in a variety of colors to match a building's exterior décor.

To discourage pest birds from landing on ledges, I-beams, parapet walls, conduit, pipes, and flat or curved surfaces, there's Bird Gel. Birds hate this goop, which is easily applied using a standard caulking gun. The gel never really dries and leaves a sticky surface that bug the heck out of pest birds.

Tracks and Tears

If your property's been inundated with pigeons, seagulls and larger birds, one effective and humane bird proof solution worth trying is the Electric Track. These nifty devices "persuade" pest birds not to land by conveying a mild electric shock to their feet. The tracks are easy to install on ledges, signs, rooftops, and flat or curved surfaces. Some systems are low profile and virtually invisible from ground level. The best tracks feature a flow-through design that keeps water from damming up on rooftops. If you want the tracks to last in harsh weather, opt for corrosion-resistant tracks that resist alkali and acidic environments.

Our next bird proofing solution has been specially created to put a tear in a pest bird's eye. Known as Bird Misting systems, these deliver an ultra fine mist into an area frequently by pest birds. The mist is usually a chemical called methyl anthranilate, a grape extract that naturally occurs in concord grapes. Not to worry, it's safe for people, pets, plants and birds. This chemical has been widely used by growers and vintners for decades to deter sparrows, pigeons, starlings, crows, blackbirds and geese.  The destruction these birds cause growers is incredible--from wiping out entire vineyards to destroying crops en masse.

Misting systems are also ideal for bird proofing large industrial or commercial garages, factories, airline hangars, courtyards, landfills, parking lots, and other commercial areas.

Bird Proof Eletric Track Can Deter Pest Birds


by Alex A. Kecskes

Pest birds have long been a nuisance to homeowners, boat owners, businesses and municipalities. The bird droppings they leave behind contain high amounts of uric acid, which can permanently stain finishes of wood and metal. They can also reduce expensive stonework to rubble. Then there are the health hazards posed by bird droppings, which can be infested with any of 60 rather unpleasant diseases. Outdoor eateries, school playgrounds, parks, and child care nurseries can be highly vulnerable to the spread of these diseases by pest birds.

Bird droppings also create slip-and-fall hazards, which can result in a costly legal liability for public and private organizations. Bird Proof Electric Track--essentially electrified track that imparts a safe, electrical jolt--can discourage pest birds from landing and nesting to eliminate many of these problems.

The nests created by pest birds can also present a costly problem. Their twigs, branches and feathers can stop up gutters and water channels. They can seize up air conditioning units and rooftop ventilators, and jam up windows and doors. Pest bird nests can cause electrical fires in electrical junction boxes and near electrical terminals.

Another major bird control problem presented by pest birds is their propensity to work through paper, plastic and sometimes even thin wood containers to get at food, fruits, grains and other packaged goods at warehouses, packing plants and delivery depots.

Bird Proof Electric Track Defined

Bird Proof Electric Track systems are tracks imbedded with an electrically conductive track that carries a mild electrical current used to prevent birds from landing. The "jolt" imparted is safe for both birds and people. Track systems can be used in a variety of locations and will deter a wide range of pest birds--including pigeons, seagulls and starlings. Bird Proof Electric Track systems install easily on virtually any flat or curved surface and are ideal for ledges, signs, rooftops, parapet walls, I-beams, and under eaves.

For those concerned with aesthetics, the tracks come in a variety of colors to blend in with any exterior décor--including terracotta, grey, stone, and black. Some manufacturers offer a low-profile product that is virtually invisible when properly installed on a ledge or sign. The best Bird Proof Tracks feature a low profile flow-through design, which keeps water from damning up on rooftops and other surfaces. When looking for a track, pick one that you can bend to fit along curved signs and ledges. And to cut down on the risk of spark damage, choose Bird Proof Track that has an anti-arcing design.

Installing Bird Proof Electric Track

It's not hard to install Bird Proof Track. Most manufacturers have designed their systems to be fairly simple and straightforward. One company lets you just unwind the amount of track you need from a rolled track and glue it down to virtually any surface. Better track products are on a totally flexible PVC base, which you can bend 360° without compromising the track's integrity.

Lightweight Bird Proof Electric Track is also available. This tends to streamline the whole installation process. In fact, super light tracks are now available that weigh just 10 pounds per100 feet. The best track systems feature waterproof connections that fit tightly together to ensure the installation is bird safe. Bird Proof Track systems are typically powered by an AC charger. Some even come with a solar charger. Whichever track system you finally decide on, it's best to install them using trained professionals who know how to work with them safely.

Bird Proofing for Fitness Centers and Workout Gyms

by Alex A. Kecskes

If you own or manage a public or private fitness center or workout gym, you know that one of the main reasons your customers have selected your gym is its cleanliness. Nobody wants to workout in a gym that looks unclean. That clean look starts with the outside, with spotless signage, clean doors and walkways, and lots of clean windows. If your workout gym is like most, you'll have lots of windows and even skylights to brighten up the interior areas. This is where pest birds can cause you lots of grief.

Problem: Pest birds of all sizes and shapes can ruin the spotless clean image of your fitness center or workout gym. For starters, their droppings on windows and skylights can create quite an unsightly mess. So customers working out on stationary cycling machines, elliptical trainers, treadmills and other aerobics classes will see and smell bird droppings. This is not what they signed up for. Another problem with pest birds is that they like to nest and roost on your facility's roof and A.C. units. Which means dried bird dropping dust will be sucked into your facility. As you may know bird droppings can carry any of 60 diseases. Then there's the problem of bird debris and droppings causing a breakdown in you're A.C. units. Imagine your customers working out during the summer with no A.C.  They won't put up with that for long. Finally, if your gym has an outdoor area for pools, spas, workouts or just relaxing in the sun, pest birds are the last things you need hovering around your guests. Fortunately, you don't have to put up with pest birds if you have the right deterrent.

Solution: While there are a number of strategies you can employ to rid your facility of pest birds, some are more popular than others for commercial properties like fitness gyms. One preferred approach is to use what is known as Bird Proof Electric Flat Track. Using this low-profile, electrical track system is most effective against a variety of pest birds. The electrified tracks impart a mild electrical shock the very second any bird dares to land on it. Flat electric track is ideal for fitness gyms and similar high profile image businesses because it is virtually invisible. When installed, the electrified tracks are just 1/4-inch at their highest point. They are available in four colors--grey, stone, black and terracotta--which means they blend in perfectly with your facility's exterior facade. The best electric flat track is made from a flexible U.V.-protected PVC base that easily conforms to your facility's curved rooflines or parapet walls (the tracks can be bent a full 360 degrees without damaging them). 

Bird proof electric flat tracks are highly effective in discouraging pigeons, sparrows, gulls, starlings or crows from fitness centers and gyms. They are easy to install and are powered by an A.C. charger or solar charger. The tracks emit a very mild electric shock that will not harm birds or maintenance crews. It's just enough voltage to convince pest birds to stay away. One of the best electric flat tracks has a patented "anti-arcing" design for added safety. This track also features a tin-plated copper knitted wire mesh in a continuous “tube-in-tube” stocking design. This configuration allows for more conductivity, reliability and strength. The copper mesh resists corrosion and the alkalis and acidic environments of outdoor installations.

Keep in mind that the best defense is a good offense, so it's prudent to install the Bird Proof Electric Flat Track now, before the pest birds arrive and inundate your facility with bird droppings.

How to Bird Proof Your Roof for Spring

by Alex A. Kecskes

Pest birds nesting on your roof can do a lot of damage. And with spring just around the corner, you'd better be prepared with an effective bird-proofing strategy.

Whether you have a wood, tile or asphalt shingle roof, birds can cost you hundreds, even thousands in roof damage. In a surprisingly short time, bird nests, droppings and other debris can severely weaken a roof's effectiveness, causing it to leak and possibly even collapse. Imagine the water damage if that were to happen. The time to bird proof is now, before the spring brings flocks of pest birds to nest on your roof. After all, it's your home.  Shouldn't you do what you can to protect your investment?

Unless you live in a concrete bunker, the average roof is vulnerable to all types of birds. That's because most roofs offer birds an attractive place to nest and roost. Roofs also provide a safe perch from which to look for worms. In fact, many roofs offer birds a smorgasbord of insect snacks. When birds dig into your roof for insects, their beaks peck away at shingles and rafters. All this digging creates increasingly wider gaps where water can seep in during rain. Even if you have a stone or metal tile roof, birds often build their nests under these tiles, which can cause damage and leaks. Without effective bird proofing measures, roofs are vulnerable to pest birds and the problems they create.

Incidentally, the acids in bird waste can destroy tar-based roofing materials and damage roof-mounted air conditioning equipment, attic ventilation turbines, skylights, solar panels, and solar water heaters. You need to protect your roof with a bird proofing strategy before pest birds arrive in the spring. Otherwise, it's hello birds, good-bye money.

One highly regarded bird-proofing device is the tried and true Bird Spike. These spiked strips are blunted and safe for birds and pets; yet they're scientifically designed to deny birds a place to land. Bird spikes come in rigid U.V.-resistant unbreakable polycarbonate or high strength, durable stainless steel. Marine grade stainless steel spikes will last longer. And crush-proof, non-reflective spikes with a metal finish will blend in nicely on most types of roofs. You can even get bird spikes in several colors--including crystal clear, brick red, light grey, brown, black and tan. Plastic spikes can be used around dish antennas, since they don't interfere with TV signals. Bird spikes with a U.V.-protected polycarbonate base are recommended in inclement weather.

If your home is near an ocean or lake, there's the Mega Bird Spike, which boasts long 7-inch spikes to deter seagulls, cormorants, turkey vultures and raptors. To keep pest birds out of rain gutters, there's the Gutter Spike, which typically comes with adjustable clamps at the base that attach easily to the lip of a gutter.

Time to Bird Proof Your Property

by Alex A. Kecskes

It happened in Norway. Policewoman Jorun Lyngstad was just riding her bike through the woods when Europe's biggest game bird, a wood grouse, rammed her from the side and sent her flying through the air. With her foot stuck in one of the pedals, Lyngstad had to use her bike as a shield as she tried to fight off the aggressive bird, which repeatedly came at her. The policewoman finally pinned the bird's head underneath the bike's front wheel. Once released, the bird fled back into the woods. Lyngstad suffered only minor scratches and a big bruise in her side where the wood grouse rammed her. This is not surprising, since a wood grouse can be up to three feet tall and weigh close to nine pounds. Lyngstad, who was wearing a bright yellow vest at the time, said she couldn't understand what provoked the bird to attack her.

While most of us don't have to worry about 9-pound birds knocking us off our bikes, smaller pest birds can knock us for a loop when it comes to property damage. Thousands of homeowners, boat owners, facilities managers and municipalities have suffered the ravages of pest birds. The nests, the droppings and the destruction and diseases they carry cost Americans millions annually. Many people have decided to fight back by bird proofing their property.
Modern Bird Proofing Methods

Today's bird proofing solutions combine technology with some good old-fashioned bird psychology to deter pest birds. The new breed of pest bird deterrents covers a wide spectrum of applications and bird types and sizes.

Yikes, it's Bird Spikes

First, and perhaps the most popular bird-proofing device is the highly effective Bird Spike. These spiked strips may look threatening to birds, but the blunted spikes are safe for birds, people and pets. It's not hard to imagine how they work: birds simply can't land on or near them. The spiked strips come with long-lasting stainless steel or rigid unbreakable polycarbonate spikes. Installation is fast and easy on virtually any flat surface or ledge.

There are several types of spikes for differing applications. The Mega Spike, for example, is considered the Godzilla of bird spikes. Its long spikes--typically 7” high--will persuade most seagulls, cormorants, turkey vultures, raptors and other large birds to move on.  Mega spikes made of marine-grade stainless steel will last longer. Try to get spikes with a crush proof, non-reflective metal finish. The best bird proof spikes have a U.V.-protected polycarbonate base that you can angle to fit curved surfaces.

Want to keep pest birds and nests out of your rain gutters? Try the Gutter Spike. They work quite well in discouraging large pest birds like seagulls, crows, and pigeons from gutters. Like most bird spikes, gutter spikes usually come in two-foot long strips. The best come with adjustable clamps at the base for easy installation to the lip of a gutter.

Birds Hate Spiders Too

People aren't fond of spiders, and birds aren't fond of one particular spider--the Bird Spider. Birds hate the spindly arms of this novel bird proof device. The arms wave threateningly in the wind to scare birds away. You've probably seen these spiders on restaurant tables, canvas boat covers, awnings, patios and other flat surfaces. Bird spiders are available in a variety of arm lengths to scare away a wide range of bird species.

Pest Birds Slip on this Slope

If they can't land, they can't nest. That's how Bird Slopes bird proof so many properties. These unassuming, slippery PVC panels fit just about anywhere and prevent pest birds from getting a grip. After several landing attempts, birds abandon the area and head for better landing zones. The angled panels are ideal for use on eaves, ledges, beams and other similar niches. They're easy to install on almost any surface and will deter a wide range of pest birds.

Bird Proofing with Nets

Pretty simple, really. If pest birds can't get in, they can't damage anything. Bird Netting has been used for years to bird proof large areas--like groves, vineyards, enclosed courtyards and patios. Depending on the type of bird you want to keep out, net mesh sizes vary top deter pigeons, sparrows, starlings and seagulls. The best bird netting is U.V. stabilized, flame resistant, and rot- and water-proof.

Things that Bob and Weave in the Wind

Birds don't like things that bob and weave in the breeze. That's the theory behind Bird Scare deterrents. These include reflective foils, shiny tape banners and balloons. Some balloons feature a giant eye, which adds to the fright factor. By creating an “Optical Distraction Zone,” these simple devices shoo birds away. Some of these deterrents combine a visual distraction with a crackling sound. Balloons can also be used in swimming pools and other water areas to float on the surface and frighten pest birds away.  

Best Ways to Birdproof Your Property

by Alex A. Kecskes

You've put up with pest birds long enough. You've watched as they destroyed your property's façade, clogged your costly AC units, jammed your gutters, and damaged your rooftop electrical equipment. If you own an eatery--especially an outdoor one--pest birds not only scared away customers, but the health inspector reminded you that birds carry up to 60 known diseases, many of them serious. And then there was that maintenance worker who sued you after he slipped and fell on bird poop. You're still writing checks for that one. All in all, pest birds have cost you a pretty penny. Now it's time to get serious about bird control. Time to bird proof your property. Before pest birds "take you to the cleaners."

Where to start? There are so many solutions out there. These devices and systems have been developed by professionals who have studied birds and know how to deter them in a humane manner. Simple to install and easy to use, all are effective in discouraging pest birds from landing on your property.

Perhaps the simplest and most basic device to bird proof your property is through the use of Reflective Foil or Flash Tape. This iridescent red foil tape has been widely used to scare pest birds away from outdoor areas. The tape crinkles and flashes in the breeze, creating an Optical Distraction Zone that confuses and frightens birds so they stay away. Flash tape is ideal for trees, grape vines, cherry trees, vegetable gardens, potted plants, balconies, gazebos, overhangs, boats and patios.

Akin to the flash tape, the Blow-up Balloon is another effective bird-scare device. The balloon is typically imprinted with huge predator eyes that scare birds. The balloon can be used for small and large birds, including geese, ducks, and woodpeckers. Your typical bird scare balloon is about 16 inches in diameter. The best balloons are made from a U.V.- and weather-resistant vinyl. They're ideal for use in fruit trees, pools, patio covers, pool areas, gazebos, and boats. For pools, you can fill one-quarter of the balloon with water and let it skim the surface with the predator eyes facing up.
Capitalizing on the motion of spindly arms to deter pest birds, another device to birdproof your property is the Bird Spider. The spider's stainless steel “arms” bob and weave in the breeze, creating a visual distraction zone. Ideal for boats, light posts, AC units, signs, docks, and any other areas where pest birds tend to congregate. These are typically available in 2’, 4’ 6' and 8’ diameters to cover large areas and deal with various bird types--including pigeons, seagulls, cormorants and crows. Spiders are easy to install and have no moving parts. The best spiders have a U.V.-protected polycarbonate base.

Still another bird scare device is the more sophisticated Scarecrow. This motion-activated sprinkler sprays a stream of water each time it senses a bird's motion. The combined effect of water spray, the Scarecrow's moving head and the sprinkler sound--all work to effectively birdproof an area. Birds soon get the idea that the area guarded by the scarecrow is to be avoided. Scarecrows are ideal for keeping pest birds out of gardens, backyards, pools/spas and other open spaces.

No list of bird proofing devices would be complete without mentioning the ever-popular Bird Spike. These come in strips of menacing-looking spikes that keep pest birds from landing. Bird spikes are ideal way to keep pest birds from landing on roof peaks, window ledges, I-beams parapet walls, awnings, canopies, signs and gutters. Some manufacturers give you the option of rigid U.V.-resistant unbreakable polycarbonate spikes or stronger, more durable stainless steel spikes. While they may look they would impale a bird, the blunted spikes are actually harmless, as birds just refuse to land on or near them. Spike strips usually come in 3”, 5” and 8” widths. Their non-reflective metal finish makes them barely noticeable. If you have a curved surface you want to protect, one manufacturer makes a no-gap spike that bends for easy installation.

The next bird proof deterrent doesn't look threatening or even move. It just exploits the physics of bird toes and gravity. Known as Bird Slopes, these clever devices--composed of angled PVC panels--simply deny birds the ability to land or perch. Bird slopes have been proven effective against swallows, starlings, pigeons, seagulls and many other types of birds. They are easily installed in ledges, eaves, beams and other 90-degree areas where pest birds often gather. The best panels are formed from U.V. protected PVC for lasting sun and weather protection.

A simple, but effective way to bird proof large areas is Bird Netting. Typical mesh sizes include in 3/4", 1-1/8" and 2" to exclude a wide range of birds and bird sizes. Netting is most often used to protect fruit trees, crops, and vineyards. Choose heavy-duty netting to prevent pest birds from getting into aircraft hangars, large garages, factories, and warehouses. For netting that lasts, opt for U.V.-stabilized, flame resistant and rot and waterproof material.

To bird proof horizontal surfaces, try Bird Gel. You apply it with a caulking gun in a zigzag pattern and when it dries, it leaves an icky surface birds hate to land on. The chemical is non-toxic to both humans and birds. Recommended for conduit, pipes, ledges, I-beams, and parapet walls, these gels dry clear. The best gels work through a wide range of temperatures--from 15F to 200F. For best effect, apply the gel every six months.

Wish you could just zap those pest birds?  You can with Electric-Tracks. Birds land on these and get a harmless electric jolt that "persuades" them to leave. Easily installed on flat or curved surfaces, the better tracks feature a flow-thru design to prevent water from collecting around them.

Growers and vintners love the next category of bird deterrents. Called Misters, they birdproof large areas by releasing a super fine mist of methyl anthranilate into a bird's flight path. The chemical is a harmless grape extract. The systems come in a variety of dispersion systems to deter pigeons, starlings, sparrows, crows, geese and blackbirds.