Bird Proof or Put Up with Pest Birds


by Alex A. Kecskes

Several years ago, thousands of birds swarmed into South Pasadena, a small enclave near St. Petersburg, Florida. The horde of mostly crows filled shopping centers, dumped on cars and SUVs, and filled the air with their incessant screeches, cackles and caws. One observer noted crows in clusters of as many as 500 with a total of about 6,000. Other local residents said the crows had destroyed fruit trees, and cluttered sidewalks, benches and power poles with their droppings. Had South Pasadena taken steps to bird proof its streets and buildings, it might have been able to discourage the avian onslaught.

While most towns aren't normally invaded by birds reminiscent in an Alfred Hitchcok film, there are instances where birds seem to have taken over a park, building, boat dock or other facility. Although this may not strike fear in the hearts of most people, it can be quite a nuisance. For even hundreds of pest birds can create a huge mess and destroy property. An outdoor eatery, for example, could lose considerable business were it invaded by pest pigeons pooping on tables and chairs. Mothers would be loath to allow their children to play in a park covered with large black crows. Vintners and growers have lost thousands of dollars worth of grapes and other crops, no thanks to bird swarms. And many a building owner has spent hefty sums sandblasting bird poop from building facades. All this points to the need to bird proof an area or building. Fortunately, there are many humane and effective ways deter pest birds. 

They Can't Land on Bird Slopes

Bird Slopes prevent pest birds from landing on many structures. The slippery PVC panels fit just about anywhere--on eaves, ledges, beams and other similar niches--and they just don't allow pest birds to get a solid footing. After several tries, birds give up and head for better landing areas. The angled bird proof panels are easy to install on almost any surface and will discourage a wide range of pest birds.

Bird Gel Works Well

Birds get the message real quick with this bird proof goop. Bird Gel presents pest birds with an icky, sticky landing zone that they can't stand. The gel will discourage all manner of pest birds.  It's easy to apply on virtually any surface and is ideal for use on conduit, pipes, ledges, I-beams and parapet walls. The goop hardens after about six months, so you'll need  to reapply it for best results.

Pest Birds Spurn Spikes

Humane and highly effective, Bird Spikes have gained widespread popularity in cities and towns across the country. While they may look like they could impale anything that comes near them, the blunted spikes are actually quite harmless to birds, pets and people. Spikes rely on a simple principle: birds simply can't navigate their wings and feet around them, so they move on to better landing zones. Bird spikes come in long-lasting stainless steel or rigid unbreakable polycarbonate. Installation is fast and easy on any flat surface or ledge. Some spikes come in two-foot long strips for easier installation. Spikes are an ideal way to bird proof most structures and the best spikes are virtually maintenance free.

To address varying bird problems, you can get a Mega Spike, which has long 7-inch spikes--ideal for most seagulls, cormorants, turkey vultures, raptors and other large birds. Mega spikes are usually made of marine-grade stainless steel to endure harsh outdoor weather. If you can, opt for crush proof spikes with a non-reflective metal finish. And choose spikes with a U.V.-protected polycarbonate base that you can angle to fit around curved surfaces.

Finally, there's the Gutter Spike. It's designed to keep large pest birds like seagulls, crows, and pigeons from nesting in gutters. Look for gutter bird spikes that have adjustable clamps at the base for easy installation to the lip of a gutter.

Bird Spiders For Stubborn Pest Birds

Resembling a giant Spider, Bird Spiders do a nice job of discouraging pest birds to stay away from restaurant tables, canvas boat covers, awnings, patios and other flat surfaces. The spider's spindly arms wave and flagellate in the breeze to bird proof an area. Bird spiders come in several arm lengths to scare away a wide variety of bird species.

Deter them with Foggers and Misters

Pest birds get all misty eyed after flying through an area protected by Bird Foggers and Misters. These systems effectively bird proof an area by releasing a fine mist of food-grade methyl anthranilate. This grape extract is harmless to birds and humans, yet pest birds hate the stuff. Simple foggers/misters basically consist of a sprayer and a canister of chemicals. More sophisticated systems use timers and multiple nozzles that allow you to direct the mist to specific sites and varying times and durations.

Bird Proof with Better Net Results

Bird Netting is an ideal way to bird proof groves, vineyards, enclosed courtyards, patios and other large areas. The nets come in various mesh sizes to keep out pigeons, sparrows, starlings and seagulls. For lasting durability, choose bird netting that has been U.V. stabilized, and is rot- and water-proof.

Bird Scare Devices

No bird likes to feel threatened. And Bird Scare deterrents are quite effective as a bird proof solution. These are the reflective foils, shiny tape banners and balloons you see around buildings, parks, boat docks and other outdoor areas. Some balloons have a giant predator eye in the center to convince birds a huge predator is about to attack them. The basic principle here is to create an “Optical Distraction Zone” to scare pest birds away. Balloons can also be filled partially with water to skim the surface of swimming pools, spas and Koi ponds to frighten pest birds away.  

Bird Proof and be Free of Pest Birds

by Alex A. Kecskes

In “A Moveable Feast,” Hemingway describes how he would wait for the gendarme at the Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris to leave for a break or a glass of wine, then seize a pigeon for his next meal. While this is certainly one way to get rid of pest birds, there are far more humane and efficient ways to achieve the same result.

Pest birds cause millions of dollars in property damage every year. Their nests, droppings and the diseases they carry have become a major concern for homeowners, boat owners, facilities managers and municipalities worldwide. The solution? Bird proofing. Today's new generation of bird proofing systems covers all manner of bird types and sizes. Many are surprisingly economical and easy to install. Most combine a little bird psychology with common sense. And all have been proven effective in deterring pest birds from their assigned venues.

Spiders to the Rescue

No, not the kind that eats aphids, these spiders are multi-legged and man made. Called Bird Spiders, their spindly arms wave threateningly in the breeze to scare birds away. As a bird proof device, spiders are ideal for use on restaurant tables, canvas boat covers, awnings, patios and other flat surfaces. What's more, bird spiders come in various arm lengths to shoo away a range of bird types.

Spikes Spell Relief for Pest Bird Sufferers

Anyone who has ever had pest birds nest in their rain gutters knows the problems they can cause. Water dams up, gets under shingles and suddenly, you've got an expensive roof repair bill. Enter the Gutter Spike. These spiked strips are the ideal way to bird proof gutters against large pest birds like seagulls, crows, and pigeons. The spikes usually come in two-foot long strips and the spikes are blunted so they won't harm birds, pets or people. Look for spikes with adjustable clamps at the base that facilitate easy installation to the lip of your gutter.

Also available are Mega Bird Spikes, which boast long 7” spikes. These are an ideal way to bird proof against cormorants, turkey vultures, raptors and other large birds. Try to get spikes made of marine-grade stainless steel as the will typically last longer. You can also get spikes with a crush proof, non-reflective metal finish (which makes them blend in to their surroundings). The best spikes feature a U.V.-protected polycarbonate base that you can angle to fit curved surfaces. In general, most spiked strips come with either durable stainless steel or rigid unbreakable polycarbonate spikes.

Inclined to be Effective

Bird Slopes are slippery PVC panels that prevent pest birds from getting a grip whenever they try to land. And if they can't land, they won't stay. The angled panels are ideal for use on eaves, ledges, beams and other similar niches. They can be nailed, glued or screwed to a wide range of surfaces. They even come in a wide range of colors to maintain a building's aesthetics.

All's well with this Gel

Bird Gel is the icky, sticky stuff that bugs the heck of pest birds. This bird proof solution was designed to deter a wide range of birds. Gels are ideal for use on conduit, pipes, ledges, I-beams and parapet walls. You apply this goop with a caulking gun and it never really dries—it just skins over. You'll need to reapply the gel after about six months for best effect.

Neutralize with Nets

Bird Netting is an ideal way to bird proof large areas--like groves, vineyards, enclosed courtyards and patios. And you can get net mesh sizes to deter a wide range of pest birds--including pigeons, sparrows, starlings and seagulls. For demanding outdoor applications, opt for netting that's U.V. stabilized, flame resistant, and rot- and water-proof.

Sounds Like a Real Bird Proof Solution

Audio Bird Repellents create a variety of predator and distress calls that convince pest birds to take flight pronto. Sonic repellents have been used with considerable success to deter pigeons, sparrows, starlings, and seagulls other types of birds.

Shocking Deterrent

Electric Track Bird Repellants are popular because they are humane and effective. They zap virtually any bird that happens to land on their electrified tracks. Ideal for pigeons, seagulls and larger birds. Opt for tracks that feature a flow-through design that won't allow water to pool around them to damage surrounding areas.

Bird Proofing for Seaside Resorts

by Alex A. Kecskes

If you own or operate a seaside resort, you know the problems pest birds like gulls can create. Large birds like these can invade private outdoor areas, including pools, spas, patios and beachside bars. They can become a real nuisance in outdoor eating areas as they scavenge for food scraps, poop on tables, soil chairs and lounges. 

Guests accustomed to being pampered won’t easily forget the traumas or problems they encountered with pest birds. And word of mouth in this Internet and social media age can quickly ruin a resort’s sterling reputation. As birds continue to harass your resort’s guests, you’ll find yourself spending more time in cleanups and having to comp annoyed guests for their “experience with birds.”

Gulls can also create maintenance and repair problems throughout your resort. Rooftop AC units, lighting systems and security cameras can be blocked or rendered non functional by gull droppings and nests. Pool and spa filters will require more frequent attention as droppings and nest debris contaminate them.

As you may already have discovered, gulls can be aggressive and persistent. You can blast them with a water hose or slap at them with towels, but they’ll come back to pester and poop again. If you ever have a party where food is openly on display, your service staff will be working full time waving away gulls rather than paying attention to guests.

Fortunately, you can now avail yourself of a variety of pest bird deterrents that will keep gulls from invading your resort and bothering your guests.

Bird Sounds, But No Birds. The devices are called Sonic Bird Deterrents. And they sound like birds to humans, but birds are scared of them. These highly effective and humane bird deterrents can be discretely installed on patio covers, under eaves or inside gazebos. They’re ideal for getting rid of gulls from large outdoor areas because they emit predator and distress calls that make gulls really nervous. The best bird sonic systems have the ability to change the pitch, frequency, timing and intensity of the sounds they emit. If you have more than gulls pestering your resort, you might look into one popular system that emits distress and predator calls for as many as 22 types of birds.

Go Solar, Say Bye-Bye to Birds. It’s known as the Solar Powered Bird Repeller, a clever device that uses motor-driven arms to flick gulls off certain troublesome areas. The arms whip around continuously at 30 RPM to “remind” even the most hard-headed gull that this is a no landing zone. Some bird repellers have adjustable “arms” that cover up to 5 feet in diameter. Keep in mind, these devices are solar powered, which makes them environmentally suitable for promoting your “green” bird proofing agenda.  Solar powered repellers can be easily set up on patio covers, gazebos, rooftops and other elevated areas. They even store the sun's energy for efficient, uninterrupted day-and-night operation.

Spike the Landing Zones. Strategically placed plastic bird spikes can prevent gulls from landing on the perches they normally use before they swoop down and annoy guests. The best plastic bird spikes are rugged, U.V. protected deterrents that stay strong in wind and sun. Some manufacturers offer a full 5-year guarantee on their plastic bird spikes. This covers the spike against UV degradation.

For those concerned about aesthetics, plastic bird spikes have the added advantage of coming in a wide range of colors--including white, tan, gray, black, brown, brick red and even crystal clear. So that should assuage your worries about spikes being too noticeable. Even custom colors are now available. Plastic bird spikes are economical, too—important if you happen to be on a tight bird-control budget. Finally, the spikes are blunted at the tips, so they won’t injure birds or installation crews.

How to Bird Proof Your Food Distribution Center

by Alex A. Kecskes

In most states, food distribution centers must have a comprehensive, verifiable pest control program or risk being cited by health inspectors. Any evidence of pest infestation--like bird feathers--in a food distribution warehouse is a violation of the FD&C Act of 1938. Legal concerns aside, studies estimate that pest activity typically results in a 5% to 10% loss of stored food products. Can your distribution center sustain such losses in these tough economic times?

Another bird problem created by pest birds is one of danger to employees. Birds can be a distraction to forklift and skip-loader operators when moving heavy loads near ceilings. Bird droppings can also create dangerous slip-and-fall hazards on smooth concrete floors. Finally, bird droppings can pose a significant health hazard, since they can carry and transmit any of 60 known diseases--including salmonellosis and ornithosis.

Pest birds can be pretty clever when it comes to concealing themselves in food distribution centers. They can hide and build nests in the lofty areas near skylights and roof support beams. They can also seek shelter in walls and behind electrical boxes and light fixtures.

When night rolls around and your distribution center is quiet and dark with only a single night watchmen to walk the floor, pest birds come alive and eat through packaged foods, stored grains and other consumable inventory. This not only results in food loss but a constant clean-up expense.

As you undoubtedly know, pest birds are reluctant to leave once they’ve settled in. They like the security, the protection from the elements, and the steady food supply your distribution center offers them.

So how do you get rid of birds? There are a number of effective and humane bird proofing strategies you can employ to solve your pest bird problem. Here are some of the most popular:

Heavy-Duty Netting. Ideal for denying bird access in large commercial areas, the best netting is constructed of high-strength polyethylene to last for many years. This netting is U.V. stabilized, flame resistant and rot- and water-proof. One supplier offers bird netting that has a burst strength of up to 40 pounds and the ability to withstand extreme temperatures--from 250-degree Fahrenheit to "sub-zero."  Better still, today’s bird netting comes in a variety of types and mesh sizes to exclude many different birds species. Larger birds like pigeons or seagulls can be blocked out using a 1-1/8-inch to 2-inch mesh size. If your facility is plagued by smaller birds like sparrows or starlings, a 3/4-inch mesh size will suffice.

Mist Capture Bird Netting. If your distribution center only has a few pest birds that like to fly around at night, you might look into getting Mist Capture Bird Netting. Pest birds will not see this netting and fly into it. Once captured, they can be removed and released outside. The best netting in this category is fabricated of strong, UV-stabilized lightweight fiber. It typically comes in four sizes--7’x10’, 10’x20’, 10’x30’ and 10’x40’. The netting is effective for use against pigeons, grackles, starlings, swallows, gulls and sparrows. 

Air Treatment Systems. Effective for bird proofing large enclosed areas, Air Treatment Systems generate an invisible dry vapor of methylanthranilate, a grape extract that irritates birds’ trigeminal nerve and mucous membranes through entry in the eyes, nose or mouth. One manufacturer offers a system with a unique nozzle design that expels a super fine 5-micron particle size mist, which leaves no residue. Treated areas simply smell fresh and clean and have no grape smell. This advanced “always-on” air treatment system maintains a constant low-level scent to repel pest birds. It can be programmed for daily hours of operation and duty cycles. Best of all, the system needs no separate compressor for operation. Depending on the size of your distribution center, you can get air treatment systems that cover 50,000 to 150,000 cubic feet. The best air treatment systems are fully compliant with US Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) workplace inhalation safety standards.

Bird Proofing Your House or Boat

by Alex A. Kecskes

Pest birds have, for years, taken their toll on homes and boats. Pigeons, seagulls, crows and all manner of pest birds have invaded private property to wreak havoc, destroy and devalue our prized possessions.

Homeowners have had to put up with damage to roofs, gutters and air conditioning units. Any homeowner who has ever had to clean nests and debris out of a gutter knows it's not a pleasant task. Neither is cleaning bird droppings off a solar panel or dish antenna something to look forward to. Any air conditioning repair person will tell you that bird droppings can stop and stall even the most expensive air conditioner.

Boat owners have long had to deal with pest gulls and other annoying birds. Sails and sail boat covers splattered with bird droppings are no fun to clean. In some cases, if the bird droppings aren't removed, the damage to canvas covers can be permanent, causing them to rip and tatter. Damage can be equally serious and permanent to sonar, radar and radio antennas and their motors and mountings. This gear is not cheap to repair or replace. And what boat owner hasn't been obligated to apologize for bird droppings on a deck, step or side runner after a guest has slipped and taken a bad fall. Not to mention the legal liability of such an accident.

Bird Proofing Devices and Solutions

Advances in bird proofing technology have resulted in some very effective and humane pest bird deterrents. These run the gamut from high tech to low cost. Most are easy to install and maintain. 

Bird Spikes Keep 'Em from Landing

A widely used bird deterrent, Bird Spikes are popular among property owners, boat owners and municipalities. The spiked strips look like they would impale whatever comes near them. Not to worry. The blunted spikes are safe for birds, pets and humans. Bird spikes have an uncanny ability to dissuade pest birds from landing. The spikes come in durable stainless steel or stiff, unbreakable polycarbonate. For seagulls, there's a spike called the Mega Spike. So named because it sports some very big spikes--typically 7” high. The best mega spikes are made of marine grade stainless steel. Other spikes come with a crush-proof, non-reflective metal finish. Spikes with a U.V.-protected polycarbonate base will last longer. You can even get angled spikes to accommodate curved surfaces.

Most buildings today have rain gutters where birds tend to gather and nest. When water backs up, it seeps under roofing tiles and shingles, which can lead to expensive roof repairs. Enter the Gutter Spike. It's the ideal way to bird proof against pest birds that love to gather in rain gutters. The spikes have adjustable clamps at the base so they can be easily attached to the lip of a gutter.

Slippery Slope

Simple, humane and highly effective, Bird Slopes are basically just angled PVC panels that won't allow pest birds to get a solid footing when they try to land. It's the ideal bird-proofing device for eaves, ledges, beams and other similar niches. Bird slopes are easily installed on almost any surface using nails, screws or glue. They are virtually maintenance free. And they come in a number of different colors to match your exterior décor.

Gone with the Goo

Birds hate to land on sticky surfaces (like we hate to get gum on our shoes). Bird Gel is the bird proof solution that really annoys most birds. The stuff pumps onto any surface with a standard caulking gun, and when it dries, it stays sticky for a long time--about six months. Pest birds land on it and it tugs at their little feet, step after annoying step, until they can't wait to leave.  Gels are ideal for use on ledges, conduit, pipes, I-beams and parapet walls.

The Net Difference

Barrier deterrents have long been an effective and humane bird proofing solution. One of the best barrier deterrents is Bird Netting. It comes in several net mesh sizes to deter various types and sizes of pest birds. The best bird netting is flame resistant, U.V. stabilized, and rot- and water-proof.

Create an "Optical Distraction Zone”

Bird Scare deterrents have a long and successful history as effective bird proofing devices. These simple reflective foils, shiny tape banners and balloons work because they create a zone of optical distraction that birds just don't like to be around. Some produce a snapping noise in the breeze that adds to the distraction factor. One note about bird scare deterrents: They need to be moved around and replaced every so often or pest birds will get used to them.

In a Class by Itself

Considered the king of bird scare devices, Scarecrows are the ultimate bird-proofing weapons. Humane and highly effective, these innovative devices deter pest birds using a clever blend of technology and bird psychology. Basically a motion-activated sprinkler, Scarecrows deliver a sudden blast of water spray whenever they sense a bird flying or walking near them. Best of all, they combine this sudden water blast with the Scarecrow's moving head and sprinkler sound, which is something pest birds will never forget.

Bird Proof Your Home for Health and Safety

By Kathy Fritsch

Baby proofing the home keeps your baby free from harm, but bird proofing the home keeps you and your home free from the harm a pest bird can do.  Summertime is the ideal season to take action.  It is warm and sunny and the perfect time to be outside doing simple and inexpensive home improvement projects.  Installing bird deterrents should be at the top of your things to do list.  This is the time of year where birds are searching for that comfortable location to start building their nests and hatching their offspring.  There are effective products that will bird proof your home so the birds do not choose it as their nesting site.  Although the idea of baby birds may seem delightful, the damage to you and your property from pest birds and their nests can be quite detrimental.

A very important reason to bird proof your home is to keep your family healthy.  Nesting birds accumulate a build-up of viruses, bacteria and fungal matter in their droppings.  The best way to eliminate this problem is to stop the nesting before it begins.  Inspect your home closely.  Determine areas that may be susceptible to nesting that are close to where your family congregates.  One area that is sure to get summertime and often year round usage is your patio. The patio cover is a great place to mount a solar bird repeller.  The repeller can be mounted on either flat or angled surfaces in a matter of minutes.  It scares the pest birds away from the area by the continual movement of the 2.5’ telescoping rods which have iridescent red foil flash tape at the ends.  The constant sweeping movement does not harm the birds in anyway, but distracts them from making your patio their summer home.  The red foil flash tape also scares the birds away from the area when it is simply tied to the patio, or a nearby tree, creating the perfect optical distraction zone.

Another common area for birds to nest around your home is under the eaves, near your front entry way or in your rain gutters.  You want to avoid carrying any droppings from your shoes into your home, or breathing in the fungal spores that can be released from the nest.  A very simple and economical way to keep the eaves free of birds is the use of either a bird slope or a transparent bird gel.  Both make an extremely uncomfortable landing spot for the bird.  The bird slope creates a “slippery slope” that birds cannot land on.  It is easily installed and can be painted to match the exterior of your home.  A transparent bird gel creates a very sticky surface which birds hate.  The gel is virtually invisible and is non-toxic to people and birds.

Making the rain gutters undesirable for landing and nesting is as simple as installing gutter bird spikes. After clearing out any debris from the gutters, just connect the spikes by using the attached clips and check one more thing off your to do list. Taking these precautions early on will save you time in the long run.  Cleaning up the area after a pest bird has made his home would be much more labor intensive.  Cleaning and repairing the physical damage to your home from the uric acid released from bird droppings can be a more expensive project.  Even though pest birds can be hazardous to us, we want to not be half hazard in our humane “good riddance” of them.  Always choose humane bird deterrent products like those available at Absolute Bird Control.

Bird Proofing Ball Parks

by Alex A. Kecskes

Pest birds love a good game, particularly if the fans buy them snacks. Which explains why the Tigers-Mets Sunday Series Finale game in 2007 was invaded by a flock of about 50 seagulls. They made their way inside Comerica Park--mostly in the outfield--during the first inning, and about half of those stuck around for the rest of the game. Sean Casey indicated he had the same two gulls at first base during the entire game.

In 2009, dozens of ring-billed gulls invaded Wrigley Field late in a game. The invasion provided a spectacle for fans but annoyed ballpark management. Flying birds and seagulls also invaded the San Francisco Giants Ballpark, dive-bombing facilities crews after the game.

In Cleveland, seagulls have repeatedly invaded Progressive Field during major games. The gulls discovered that the ballpark is an ideal place to scavenge a free meal. Ballpark managers aren't exactly pleased to see fans toss half-eaten hot dogs, popcorn pieces and peanut shells at the gulls, inviting the pests to swoop in for a free lunch. The birds love game time and wait patiently on the field for the right time to dive into the stands and grab a discarded meal. There are often hundreds of gulls flying over the field and gathering in the outfield grass. The increase of nesting pairs in Cleveland's 'Flats' on flattop roof buildings is a major problem. The gulls ride the wind currents up the valley walls to the ballpark in search for food scraps to feed their young. Only humane solutions to deter the gulls are under consideration, since the birds are a federally protected species.

Three Strikes Against Old Bird Proofing Methods

Fireworks, propane cannon, shotguns, predator birds, and poisons may have been the bird proofing methods in Babe Ruth's day, but times have changed. Today's new breed of pest bird deterrents is far more effective and humane. They're also quite diverse, ranging from simple passive deterrents to high-tech systems that unite high technology with bird psychology.

Bird Spikes Take 'Em Out of the Ball Park

Used where birds tend to gather and nest, Bird Spikes can be a very effective bird proof deterrent. The spike strips appear deadly, but they're blunted and safe for birds, denying them the ability to land. The spikes come in long-lasting stainless steel or rigid unbreakable polycarbonate models. They install easily on any flat surface or ledge. For seagulls, the Mega Spike is the one to beat. These have very large spikes--typically 7” high. For long exposure to the elements, opt for mega spikes made of marine grade stainless steel. Spikes with a crush proof, non-reflective metal finish are preferred. You can also get bird spikes with a U.V.-protected polycarbonate base that can be angled to accommodate curved surfaces.

Ballparks have gutters and birds tend to nest and gather in them, causing rain water to run amok on seats and other unwanted areas. This is where the Gutter Spike comes in. Ideal for deterring large pest birds like seagulls, gutter spikes have adjustable clamps at the base so they can be easily attached to the lip of a gutter.

An Easy Slider

Bird Slopes are those angled PVC panels you see stuck in nooks and crannies of a building--a building that has very few pest birds. That's because birds just can't get a grip on the slippery surface of these panels. They try and try, and swoosh, off they go. There's no better bird proofing solution for eaves, ledges, beams and other similar niches. Bird slopes are easily installed on almost any surface using nails, screws or glue.

A No-Fowl Game

Nothing discourages gulls and other pest birds like Bird Foggers and Misters. Ideal for large areas like stadiums and ballparks, these systems deliver a fine mist of food-grade methyl anthranilate to the area under siege. The chemical is harmless to birds and humans, but it bugs the heck out of birds. Stadium managers usually opt for large systems equipped with timers and multiple nozzles that allow the mist to be directed to very specific areas and time periods.

Icky, Sticky Bird Proof Solution

Bird Gels are a spot bird proofing solution for certain areas frequented by pest birds. It goes on with a caulking gun and when it dries, it leaves a sticky, icky surface (kinda like dried chewing tobacco) that birds hate to land on. Gels are ideal for use on ledges, conduit, pipes, I-beams and parapet walls.

The Popular Barrier Deterrent

Bird Netting can keep gulls away from food storage areas and concession alcoves. It comes in several net mesh sizes to deter various pest birds--including pigeons and seagulls. The best bird netting is flame resistant, U.V. stabilized, and rot- and water-proof.

Banners For Your Ballpark

Every ballpark has banners. But these discourage pest birds from coming around. They're classified as Bird Scare deterrents and include a wide range of reflective foils, shiny tape banners and balloons. They work because they effectively create an “Optical Distraction Zone” that makes birds feel uncomfortable. Some produce a crackling noise in the breeze that adds to the deterrent. The one drawback is that they need to be replaced and moved around occasionally or pest birds will get used to them and come back for those snacks they can't resist.

This Bird Proof Deterrent Scores a Home Run

Ideal for bird proofing sections of the outfield after the game (when pest birds seem to zoom in), Scarecrows deter pest birds far beyond the 7th inning stretch. The motion-activated sprinklers deliver an annoying pulse of water whenever they sense a bird flying near. They combine this hefty blast of water with the scarecrow's moving head and sprinkler sound in one unforgettable experience for birds.

Bird Proofing Commercial Buildings

by Alex A. Kecskes

Unlike homes and boats, commercial buildings suffer damage from pest birds on a grand scale. Commercial building owners spend millions of dollars every year to deal with problems associated with pest birds. The only viable solution is bird proofing.

Failure to bird proof a commercial building can lead to all sorts of problems. The droppings pest birds leave seriously detract from a building's appearance. The acid secretion produced by the fungi that live in bird droppings can mar paint and other surfaces. Cleaning and restoring buildings damaged by pest birds can be very expensive. Nests and droppings can, over time, clog gutters and down pipes, causing rooftops to leak or fill with water and possibly collapse. Pest bird nests and droppings can get sucked into ducts, grilles and vents, clogging commercial air conditioning and heating units, permanently damaging these expensive systems.

Bird droppings deposited at commercial building entrances and fire escapes increase the likelihood that pedestrians may slip and fall on them, creating a huge legal liability to commercial property owners. Droppings also spoil finished products in loading bays and storage areas. They ruin the appearance of costly finished goods, metal panels, and stonework. Droppings can also eat into and destroy wood, paper and cardboard packaging of products on pallets or outside storage.

There are many other reasons to bird proof a commercial building. Pest birds create offensive odors, which can be a nuisance to restaurants, especially with outdoor service. Accumulated on signage , droppings are unsightly and can ruin the image of a business.
Pest birds can also be a health hazard, carrying and transmitting any of 60 known diseases. Sparrows and Feral Pigeons can carry bacteria causing Salmonellosis. Feral Pigeons carry Ornithosis, which is similar to viral pneumonia. Birds, bird droppings and their nesting materials contain insects and mites. These insects can damage property and stored foods.

Fortunately, there are a wide variety of effective and humane ways to bird proof a commercial building .

One very popular product for persuading pest birds to stay away is the  bird spike. Ideal for pigeons and other large birds, some are made of strong, rigid unbreakable polycarbonate, others have marine grade stainless steel spikes. Similar to the spikes is the bird spider. Recommended for rooftops and other flat surfaces, the spider arms move with the breeze, keeping wild birds from landing. The Bird Spiders come in a variety of diameters and install easily. And while they look menacing, spikes and spiders won't harm birds and are virtually invisible once installed.

Bird netting is another effective pest bird solution. It’s ideal for a broad range of commercial uses, including signs, warehouses, courtyards, canopies, airplane hangars and rooftops. Best of all it can be used to control all species of birds and even specified by architects. Look for netting that's U.V. stabilized, flame resistant and rot and waterproof. Webbing can be ordered in a variety of mesh sizes to deter sparrows, starlings, pigeons, seagulls and larger birds.

For a really simple approach, there's the bird slope. These angled, slippery panels are ideal for eaves, ledges, beams and other 90-degree areas where pest birds tend to nest and roost. Birds just slide off when they try to land. Another simple solution is bird gel. Easy to apply, gels create a sticky surface that really annoy pest birds. Safe for birds and people, gels are ideal for ledges, I-beams, parapet walls, conduit, pipes, and flat or curved surfaces.

For large  industrial or commercial garages, factories, airline hangars, courtyards, landfills, parking lots, or other commercial areas, bird misting systems are now available.  Both humane and effective, these bird-hazing systems work by releasing an ultra fine mist into the air that pest birds can't see and just don't like. The mist is a chemical called methyl anthranilate, a grape extract that naturally occurs in concord grapes. The extract has been widely used for decades to deter a wide variety of pest birds including, sparrows, pigeons, starlings, crows, blackbirds and geese.  Yet it's safe for people, pets, plants and birds.

Other commercial bird proofing solutions include the electric-track bird deterrents. Ideal for deterring all birds, they discourage birds from landing by conveying a mild electric shock that’s harmless to birds. They also alter a bird’s habits to nest or feed. These are easily mounted on ledges, signs, rooftops, and flat or curved surfaces. They are low profile and virtually invisible once installed. If you choose this type of bird deterrent, opt for the flow-through design to keep water from damming up on rooftops and other surfaces. Get corrosion-resistant tracks that resist alkali and acidic environments.

Bird Proofing Hangars, Parks and Government Buildings

by Alex A. Kecskes

Bird proofing government buildings, parks, military bases, and aircraft hangars has been a problem for quite some time.

At the dawn of aviation, the Wright brothers recorded a bird strike that interfered with their early flights. More recently, Hanscom Field in Bedford Massachusetts had roughly 5,000 starlings roosting in their hangar. Clinton Air Force Base in Oklahoma had six hangars with 200-300 house sparrows in each hangar. Lockbourne Air Base in Ohio had 2,000 to 3,000 house sparrows between three hangars with an additional 2,000-3,000 starlings. Wright-Patterson Field had pigeons in their propeller testing area. Selfridge Air Force Base in Michigan suffered from a sparrow invasion. The list goes on and on. Pest birds, it seems, love to hang out in hangers.

Birds entering various openings within aircraft hangars, roost in the I-beams high inside these structures. The Air Force says that the accumulation of droppings, feathers, and other matter poses a big problem. Bird droppings, accumulating on the aluminum skin of airplanes, can corrode the metal and eventually weaken the structure itself. Another concern is that if droppings, feathers, and other matter get into the engines, critically important parts must be cleaned as they could stall an engine during flight. Cleaning an aircraft engine is very expensive and time consuming.

So how does one bird proof these aviation areas? In the past, bird proofing aircraft and the facilities that housed and repaired them was a hit or miss proposition. Toxicants like strychnine-treated grain were used to inhumanely eliminate pest birds—particularly pigeons. Pellet guns were also used. As was high-pressure air or water to discourage roosting.

Today, bird-proofing methods vary from scaring devices, repellents and screening to mists and sonic systems. To bird proof large areas, bird netting creates an impenetrable barrier for most birds. Some heavy-duty bird netting is made of polyethylene fabric and is UV stabilized, flame resistant and rot and waterproof. Netting comes in various mesh sizes to deter a wide range of birds. To seal out small openings, there's copper mesh cloth. Available  in rolls, it's easily stuffed into cracks or holes to let air circulate but keep birds out.

Ideal for hangers, bird-misting systems are both humane and effective. These bird proofing systems work by releasing an ultra fine mist that pest birds can't see and prefer not to be around. The mist typically employs a chemical called methyl anthranilate, a grape extract that naturally occurs in concord grapes. The extract has been widely used for decades to deter a wide variety of pest birds including, sparrows, pigeons, starlings, crows, blackbirds and geese.  Yet it's safe for people, pets, plants and birds.
Another useful bird proofing method is the electric-track bird repeller. Ideal for ledges, rooftops, and flat or curved surfaces, these low-profile electrified tracks deliver a non-lethal electric shock that discourages birds from landing or feeding. Some manufacturers offer a flow-through design to keep water from damming up on rooftops and other surfaces.

Bird proofing measures--bird netting, bird repellents, bird spikes and electric shock systems--can be found on our nation's Capitol and White House, as well as on major civil and military facilities worldwide. Bird spikes are ideal for pigeons and other large birds. Some bird spikes are made of strong, rigid unbreakable polycarbonate, others have stainless steel spikes. A cousin to the bird spike is the bird spider. The spider arms wave with the breeze, keeping wild birds from landing. Most come in a variety of diameters and install easily. And although they appear menacing, spikes and spiders won't harm birds.
Many government buildings tend to be older with established pest bird populations. Failure to bird proof these buildings and offices can lead to a number of problems. The acid secretion produced by the fungi that live in bird droppings can discolor paint and other surfaces. Pest bird nests and droppings can get sucked into ducts, grilles and vents, blocking air conditioning and heating units. In these tough times with governments under the budget knife, cleaning and restoring buildings damaged by pest birds is one expense many governments can do without.

The bird slope is a simple solution ideal for many government buildings. Suitable for eaves, ledges, beams and other 90-degree areas where pest birds tend to nest and roost, the angled, slippery PVC panels cause pest birds to simply slide off when they try to land. For an even easier-to-install solution, there's bird gel. Birds hate this stuff because it creates a sticky surface that birds find very annoying to land in. It's safe for birds (except swallows) and a great way to keep birds from landing on ledges, I-beams, parapet walls, conduit, pipes, and most flat or curved surfaces.

At public parks, benches, playground equipment, statues, entry monuments and other structures can be rendered unsightly and eventually ruined by pest birds. There's also the health hazard pest birds pose to park visitors. Children placing their hands on bird droppings left on park bench armrests or playground equipment can be at risk, since many fail to wash their hands before snacking at the park. These droppings have been known to carry and transmit any of 60 known diseases. Sparrows and Feral Pigeons can carry bacteria causing Salmonellosis. Feral Pigeons carry Ornithosis--similar to viral pneumonia. If that's not bad enough, birds, bird droppings and their nesting fodder contain insects and mites, which can cause even more damage.

One effective and inexpensive way to bird proof parks is through the use of visual deterrents. Iridescent reflective foil or flash tape can be easily strung around lampposts and turned into pennants. Inflatable balloons are another economical visual scare device. Their lifelike reflective predator eyes and markings drive birds away by creating an “Optical Distraction Zone.”

Keep our country beautiful and safe, and do it humanely by bird proofing.

Bird Proofing Commercial Buildings

by Alex A. Kecskes

Unlike homes and boats, commercial buildings suffer damage from pest birds on a grand scale. Commercial building owners spend millions of dollars every year to deal with problems associated with pest birds. The only viable solution is bird proofing.

Failure to bird proof a commercial building can lead to all sorts of problems. The droppings pest birds leave seriously detract from a building's appearance. The acid secretion produced by the fungi that live in bird droppings can mar paint and other surfaces. Cleaning and restoring buildings damaged by pest birds can be very expensive. Nests and droppings can, over time, clog gutters and down pipes, causing rooftops to leak or fill with water and possibly collapse. Pest bird nests and droppings can get sucked into ducts, grilles and vents, clogging commercial air conditioning and heating units, permanently damaging these expensive systems.

Bird droppings deposited at commercial building entrances and fire escapes increase the likelihood that pedestrians may slip and fall on them, creating a huge legal liability to commercial property owners. Droppings also spoil finished products in loading bays and storage areas. They ruin the appearance of costly finished goods, metal panels, and stonework. Droppings can also eat into and destroy wood, paper and cardboard packaging of products on pallets or outside storage.

There are many other reasons to bird proof a commercial building. Pest birds create offensive odors, which can be a nuisance to restaurants, especially with outdoor service. Accumulated on signage , droppings are unsightly and can ruin the image of a business.
Pest birds can also be a health hazard, carrying and transmitting any of 60 known diseases. Sparrows and Feral Pigeons can carry bacteria causing Salmonellosis. Feral Pigeons carry Ornithosis, which is similar to viral pneumonia. Birds, bird droppings and their nesting materials contain insects and mites. These insects can damage property and stored foods.

Fortunately, there are a wide variety of effective and humane ways to bird proof a commercial building .

One very popular product for persuading pest birds to stay away is the  bird spike. Ideal for pigeons and other large birds, some are made of strong, rigid unbreakable polycarbonate, others have marine grade stainless steel spikes. Similar to the spikes is the bird spider. Recommended for rooftops and other flat surfaces, the spider arms move with the breeze, keeping wild birds from landing. The Bird Spiders come in a variety of diameters and install easily. And while they look menacing, spikes and spiders won't harm birds and are virtually invisible once installed.

Bird netting is another effective pest bird solution. It’s ideal for a broad range of commercial uses, including signs, warehouses, courtyards, canopies, airplane hangars and rooftops. Best of all it can be used to control all species of birds and even specified by architects. Look for netting that's U.V. stabilized, flame resistant and rot and waterproof. Webbing can be ordered in a variety of mesh sizes to deter sparrows, starlings, pigeons, seagulls and larger birds.

For a really simple approach, there's the bird slope. These angled, slippery panels are ideal for eaves, ledges, beams and other 90-degree areas where pest birds tend to nest and roost. Birds just slide off when they try to land. Another simple solution is bird gel. Easy to apply, gels create a sticky surface that really annoy pest birds. Safe for birds and people, gels are ideal for ledges, I-beams, parapet walls, conduit, pipes, and flat or curved surfaces.

For large  industrial or commercial garages, factories, airline hangars, courtyards, landfills, parking lots, or other commercial areas, bird misting systems are now available.  Both humane and effective, these bird-hazing systems work by releasing an ultra fine mist into the air that pest birds can't see and just don't like. The mist is a chemical called methyl anthranilate, a grape extract that naturally occurs in concord grapes. The extract has been widely used for decades to deter a wide variety of pest birds including, sparrows, pigeons, starlings, crows, blackbirds and geese.  Yet it's safe for people, pets, plants and birds.

Other commercial bird proofing solutions include the electric-track bird deterrents. Ideal for deterring all birds, they discourage birds from landing by conveying a mild electric shock that’s harmless to birds. They also alter a bird’s habits to nest or feed. These are easily mounted on ledges, signs, rooftops, and flat or curved surfaces. They are low profile and virtually invisible once installed. If you choose this type of bird deterrent, opt for the flow-through design to keep water from damming up on rooftops and other surfaces. Get corrosion-resistant tracks that resist alkali and acidic environments.