Bird Proof Eletric Track Can Deter Pest Birds


by Alex A. Kecskes

Pest birds have long been a nuisance to homeowners, boat owners, businesses and municipalities. The bird droppings they leave behind contain high amounts of uric acid, which can permanently stain finishes of wood and metal. They can also reduce expensive stonework to rubble. Then there are the health hazards posed by bird droppings, which can be infested with any of 60 rather unpleasant diseases. Outdoor eateries, school playgrounds, parks, and child care nurseries can be highly vulnerable to the spread of these diseases by pest birds.

Bird droppings also create slip-and-fall hazards, which can result in a costly legal liability for public and private organizations. Bird Proof Electric Track--essentially electrified track that imparts a safe, electrical jolt--can discourage pest birds from landing and nesting to eliminate many of these problems.

The nests created by pest birds can also present a costly problem. Their twigs, branches and feathers can stop up gutters and water channels. They can seize up air conditioning units and rooftop ventilators, and jam up windows and doors. Pest bird nests can cause electrical fires in electrical junction boxes and near electrical terminals.

Another major bird control problem presented by pest birds is their propensity to work through paper, plastic and sometimes even thin wood containers to get at food, fruits, grains and other packaged goods at warehouses, packing plants and delivery depots.

Bird Proof Electric Track Defined

Bird Proof Electric Track systems are tracks imbedded with an electrically conductive track that carries a mild electrical current used to prevent birds from landing. The "jolt" imparted is safe for both birds and people. Track systems can be used in a variety of locations and will deter a wide range of pest birds--including pigeons, seagulls and starlings. Bird Proof Electric Track systems install easily on virtually any flat or curved surface and are ideal for ledges, signs, rooftops, parapet walls, I-beams, and under eaves.

For those concerned with aesthetics, the tracks come in a variety of colors to blend in with any exterior décor--including terracotta, grey, stone, and black. Some manufacturers offer a low-profile product that is virtually invisible when properly installed on a ledge or sign. The best Bird Proof Tracks feature a low profile flow-through design, which keeps water from damning up on rooftops and other surfaces. When looking for a track, pick one that you can bend to fit along curved signs and ledges. And to cut down on the risk of spark damage, choose Bird Proof Track that has an anti-arcing design.

Installing Bird Proof Electric Track

It's not hard to install Bird Proof Track. Most manufacturers have designed their systems to be fairly simple and straightforward. One company lets you just unwind the amount of track you need from a rolled track and glue it down to virtually any surface. Better track products are on a totally flexible PVC base, which you can bend 360° without compromising the track's integrity.

Lightweight Bird Proof Electric Track is also available. This tends to streamline the whole installation process. In fact, super light tracks are now available that weigh just 10 pounds per100 feet. The best track systems feature waterproof connections that fit tightly together to ensure the installation is bird safe. Bird Proof Track systems are typically powered by an AC charger. Some even come with a solar charger. Whichever track system you finally decide on, it's best to install them using trained professionals who know how to work with them safely.